The British Eventing AGM will be held on Tuesday 24 November at 5pm (via Zoom). All members have been provided with detailed information about the AGM and with statements from the candidates standing for election to the vacant seat on the BE Board, together with instructions on how to participate, ask questions and vote. It is encouraging that so many candidates have put their names forward and we are indebted to all of them for their willingness to commit their time and expertise to support our sport. In addition to the candidates' statements, the BEOA, ERA and EHOA have jointly asked the candidates to provide further information about their expertise and Board objectives. Our questions covered how the candidates' skills would complement those of the current Board, where they believe the organisation's efforts should be focused to ensure a secure future and asked for suggestions as to how members' enjoyment of the sport could be enhanced and new members encouraged to participate. The responses to these questions are available to download, below, on behalf of: Kim Morris-Baumber, William Buck, Wendy Coney and Helen West. For British Eventing to move forward during this challenging period we believe it is essential that all of the stakeholders in the sport are represented on the Board, and that individual member's opinions and concerns are taken into account. We hope that knowing more about the Board candidates and their motivation for joining the Board will encourage you to use your vote. If you have questions for the BE Board, or for any or all of the election candidates, or questions to be raised at the AGM, they may be addressed to: [email protected] The ERA team are also happy to direct any questions or queries to the relevant channels.